Tradu in engleza:

1. In timp ce se plimba, i-a sarit in ochi o bancnota de un dolar.

2. Pompierii se grabesc pentru ca a luat foc o casa.

3. Te rog, nu ma lua prin surprindere venind fara sa ma suni!

4. As vrea sa va atrag atentia cu lectiile mele.

5. Cu totii speram sa nu luam vreo gripa.

6. Politia a prins hotii asupra faptului si i-a arestat in timp ce erau prinsi in traffic.

7. Daca nu poti vorbi mai tare, nu pot sa aud ce zici.

8. De ce ai intarziat? Nu ai prins autobuzul?

9. Fat-Frumos a intrezarit o lumina si a intrat in castel.

10. Simti vreodata nevoia sa-ti tragi sufletul cand urci scarile?

Vezi traducerea propozitiilor in videoclip:

7 thoughts on “CATCH”

  1. Buna Madalina,

    1.While he was walking, a dollar bill caught his eye.
    2.Firefighters are in a hurry because a house has caught on fire.
    3.Please don’t catch me by surprise, by coming without calling me!
    4.I ‘d like to catch your attention with my lessons.
    5.We all hope not to catch any flu.(that we don’t catch any flu)
    6.Police caught thieves in the act and arrested them while they were caught in traffic.
    7.If you can’t speak louder, I can’t catch what you are saying.
    8.Why have you been late? Haven’t you caught the bus? prea sunt sigura si daca ma poti elucida
    Why are you late? Didn’t you catch the bus?
    9.Prince Charming caught a glimpse of a light and entered the castle.
    10.Do you ever feel the need to catch your breath when you climb stairs?


    O seara frumoasa!


    • Buna Ramona,

      Felicitari pentru rezolvari! Toate expresiile sunt folosite exact cum trebuie.

      8. “De ce ai intarziat” se poate referi la prezent, deci putem foarte bine zice “why are you late?” (adica acum,cand ai venit). Apoi, petru ca ne referim la o situatie de acum sau care are relatie cu prezentul, folosim “Haven’t you caught the bus?”
      Pe de alta parte, Present Simple de la “de ce ai intarziat” nu prea merge cu Past Simple de la “nu ai prins autobuzul” pentru ca sunt moment diferite in timp. Daca ziceam “nu ai prins autobuzul cand ai plecat de la lucru?”, atunci da, puneam Past Simple pentru ca referirea era la acel moment trecut, cand ai plecat de la lucru.

  2. Scuze, nu stiu de ce nu s-a trimis restul propozitiilor.
    9. Prince Charming caught a glimpse a light and he entered the castle.
    10. Do you ever fell the need to catch your breath when you climb the stairs?

  3. 1. As he was walking, a dollar bill caught his eyes.
    2.The firefighters are in hurry because a house has caught on fire.
    3.Please don’t catch me by surprise coming without you phone/ call me!
    4.I’d like to catch your attention with my lessons.
    5.We all hope don’t catch a flu.
    6.The police caught the thieves in the act and arrested them while they were caught in traffic.
    7.If you don’t speak lauder, I can’t catch what you say.
    8.Why are you late? Didn’t you catch the bus?
    9.Prince Charming caught a glimpse a light

    • Felicitari, Alina! Mereu lucrezi!

      Totul corect din punct de vedere al expresiilor. Restul…gramatica:

      3. prepozitie + V-ing (without calling)
      5. sa nu = not to (not to catch)
      7. …you are saying (parca si vad ca duce mana la ureche sa prinda ce zice)
      9. of light
      10. “feel”, nu “fell”

  4. .While he was walking, one $ bill caught his eye.
    2.Firefighters are in a hurry because a house caught on fire.
    3.Please, don t catch me by surprise coming without to phone me!
    4.I would like to catch your attention with my lessons.
    5. Everyone hopes don t catch a cold.
    6.The police caught the thieves on the fact and they arrested them while were caught in
    7. If you can t speak louder, I can t catch what you say.
    8.Prince Charming caught a glimpse and he entered in the castle
    9.Why are you late ? Didn t you catch the bus ?
    10. Have you ever felt to catch your breath when you walk up the stairs ?

    • Felicitari pentru munca, Sorin! Tu esti o dovada ca nu trebuie sa fii perfect ca sa postezi raspunsuri si ca e absolut normal sa mai si gresesti in procesul de invatare. Greselile fac parte din orice proces de invatare.

      Hai sa ajustam cate ceva:
      In primul rand la 6. avem ca expresie “to catch red-handed” sau “catch in the act”… apoi “are saying”, fiind evident ceva in desfasurare
      Restul sunt doar chestiuni de gramatica:
      2. … has caught
      3. …without phoning…(prepozitie +V-ing)
      5. sa nu = not to (not to catch)
      8. … a glimpse of light and he entered the castle (nu punem “enter” cu “in”)
      10. Do you ever feel the need…..(e prezent, nu trecut in romana)


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